Learn how to use the FreeStyle Libre App in 10 minutes! - Tech Innovate

Learn how to use the FreeStyle Libre App in 10 minutes!

Por: Marcela

Have you ever imagined how fantastic it would be to be able to monitor your glucose daily without those annoying holes in your finger?


With the FreeStyle Libre App, this is totally possible! If you are diabetic or care for someone with diabetes, this app could revolutionize the way you monitor and manage this condition.

The FreeStyle Libre app was developed to make monitoring your glucose levels easier and more convenient. The application operates in conjunction with a sensor called FreeStyle Libre.


In this quick and practical guide, I’ll show you how to master the FreeStyle Libre App in just 10 minutes, ensuring you get the most out of this innovative tool. Don’t waste time and embark on this complete guide with me!

How to download and install the application

Before knowing how to use the FreeStyle Libre app, the first step is to download and install it on your cell phone. See how this can be easily done in just a few steps:


  1. Open your phone’s app store (Google Play or App Store).
  2. In the search bar, type FreeStyle Libre app.
  3. Check your device’s compatibility with the app. Remembering that some devices do not have the necessary resources or sensors for this digital tool to work. Check the app’s system requirements and compatibility in your cell phone’s app store.
  4. Once you have checked compatibility, click “Get” (for iOS) or “Install” (for Android).
  5. Wait a few seconds while the download completes.
  6. Ready. Now that the app is installed on your phone, let’s proceed!

AppFreeStyle LibreLink – BRWho would have thought that measuring glucose at home would be so simple?See NowYou will be redirected to another website

Create an account

To start using the application, click on the FreeStyle Libre app icon that will appear on your cell phone screen. When logging in for the first time, the platform asks you to create an account. To do this, simply follow the instructions that will appear on the screen.

Step by step to apply and link the sensor

Placing the sensor can be much easier than it seems. Check out the step by step below:

  1. First of all, you must clean the area of ​​the arm where the sensor will be attached. Remembering that the packaging already includes sterilized cotton to carry out the procedure.
  2. Therefore, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to apply the sensor to the arm. You can rest assured that it is something simple and does not cause any pain!
  3. Then, open the FreeStyle Libre app on your smartphone.
  4. Bring the sensor closer to the back of your device, in the area indicated by the app.
  5. Keep the sensor close to your smartphone until the reading is complete.
  6. Wait a few minutes while the sensor initializes.
  7. After initialization, you can start using the app to monitor your glucose levels.

It is important to highlight that, after application, you need to wait 60 minutes. After this wait, you will receive a notification in the app informing you that the sensor is ready to be scanned.

Furthermore, you need to know that the sensor can be attached to the arm for up to 14 days. After this period, it must be removed and replaced with a new one.

Recommendations for choosing the best place for the sensor on the arm

  • Choose an area of ​​skin (healthy and hairless) on the back of your arm that always remains flat (no folds).
  • Preferably, choose a location where there is no risk of the sensor being reached.
  • Avoid areas with scars, moles, stretch marks, bumps or tattoos.

How to control glucose levels with the FreeStyle Libre app

Through the application, it is possible to constantly monitor glucose levels and obtain the result in a few seconds. To perform the analysis, simply open the app and choose the alternative “Scan Sensor” or “Sensor Reading”.

Then, position your smartphone close to the sensor, keeping a distance of 1 to 4 centimeters. The application will then perform the reading and display the results.

After reading, wait a moment while the application displays the results on the screen. If you wish, you can also enter additional information, such as physical activity, diet or other variables that may influence glucose levels.

How to accurately record meals and physical activity

In addition to being able to have continuous glucose monitoring, the application allows you to record other important information, such as meals and physical activities. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the app on your cell phone.
  2. Tap the “+” icon at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select the type of record: “Meal”, “Physical activity”, etc.
  4. Enter the requested data.
  5. Review the information you entered.
  6. Tap “Save” to record the information.

Setting alarms for glucose levels

In addition to all the advantages that the FreeStyle Libre app offers its users, it is also possible to configure alarms to receive immediate notifications if blood glucose levels are outside the defined limits.

These limits can be personalized according to the user’s needs, and for this it is recommended to follow medical advice. See below how to configure the alarms:

  1. Open FreeStyleFree app on your cell phone.
  2. Click on “Alarms”.
  3. Select “Configure alerts”.
  4. Choose the types of alerts you want to receive.
  5. Set alert values.
  6. To finish, click “Save”.

Creating personalized reports for your doctor

Thus, like most applications that serve to monitor glucose, FreeStyle has the ability to share complete reports. This function helps communication between the patient and the doctor.

If you want to share reports with your doctor or anyone else, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap the “Share” tab.
  3. Click “Create a link”.
  4. Enter the email address or phone number of the person you want to share the message with.
  5. Click “Send”.
  6. In a few seconds the recipient will receive an attachment.


Definitely, the FreeStyle Libre App offers a revolutionary way to monitor your glucose without those annoying perforations. With this practical guide, you learned how to download, install and configure the application in just 10 minutes.

With all the features that the app offers at your fingertips, you are now ready to manage your diabetes more easily and effectively. Try the FreeStyle Libre App today and transform your monitoring routine!

Posted and reviewed Marcela Applications on 27/02/24
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