Discover the 10 Most Common Pregnancy Symptoms - Tech Innovate

Discover the 10 Most Common Pregnancy Symptoms

Por: Marcela

Did you know that when a woman is pregnant her body starts to show signs that a baby is on the way?


Well then, these are the symptoms of pregnancy. In the first weeks of pregnancy, these symptoms gradually appear due to the physical and hormonal changes that are happening in the woman’s body.

So, if you’re feeling different and want to clear up your doubts, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll explore the 10 most common pregnancy symptoms that could be giving you clues as to what’s going on inside your body. Ready to uncover these signs? Let’s start!


1- Delay in menstruation

As you can see, I started the list with one of the most “classic” pregnancy symptoms, so to speak. It only takes a few days of delay, especially if the menstrual cycle is regular, to that “our alarms” start beeping.

The absence of menstruation occurs because the fertilized egg implants in the lining of the uterus, and the body begins to produce hormones that keep this lining intact, preventing menstruation from occurring.


2- Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are common pregnancy symptoms, which occur due to hormonal changes, mainly because of increased levels of hCG and estrogen.

These uncomfortable symptoms usually begin in the first few weeks and can persist until the end of the first trimester, but tend to decrease throughout pregnancy. And believe me, there are women who don’t feel any of this during pregnancy. Lucky, right?

3- Drowsiness and tiredness

Generally, during the first semester of pregnancy, these pregnancy symptoms are quite common. In large part it is due to the hormonal changes that are occurring in the woman’s body.

In addition, several physical adaptations are also taking place to support the growth and development of the fetus. These metabolic and physical changes can require more energy from the body, contributing to feelings of tiredness and fatigue. So, if you’re feeling this, there’s no need to worry!

4- Breast sensitivity

Due to the increase in progesterone and estrogen levels, which are responsible for stimulating the growth of the mammary glands and the increase in blood flow in the region, this can result in more sensitive and swollen breasts.

It is worth highlighting that this sensitivity can vary from one woman to another and may be more intense in some cases.

5- Increased urinary frequency

Among the most common pregnancy symptoms, this one can appear especially at the beginning of pregnancy. This occurs due to the increase in blood volume and the expansion of the uterus, which puts pressure on the bladder.

Also, as the uterus expands to accommodate the baby’s growth, it puts additional pressure on the bladder, causing the woman to feel a greater need to urinate more frequently.

6- Morning nausea

Even though its name indicates that it occurs in the morning, it can appear at any time of the day. Studies indicate that most pregnant women experience this symptom due to increased levels of hCG and estrogen hormones.

Likewise, other factors such as sensitivity to odors, changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal system and increased stress can contribute to this happening.

7- Changes in mood

During pregnancy, it is common to observe emotional changes, which are the result of hormonal variables, stress and the prospect of the baby’s arrival. A woman can experience moments of extreme happiness and then, in the next instant, feel anxious, melancholy or irritated.

These sudden changes can be challenging not only for the woman, but also for those around her.

8- Increased sensitivity to smells

Hormonal changes can sharpen a woman’s sense of smell, making her notice odors that normally wouldn’t bother her and can now become more intense than usual.

9- Changes in appetite

It’s truly amazing how each woman can experience pregnancy symptoms differently. While some women may feel ravenously hungry, others lose their appetite completely.

These changes are mainly attributed to hormonal fluctuations that occur during pregnancy, particularly due to increased levels of hormones such as hCG and estrogen.

10- Dizziness or vertigo

When it comes to pregnancy symptoms, dizziness or vertigo are not mentioned as much as others, although they are quite common during the gestation period. They can occur when standing up quickly or standing for long periods.

It can occur due to changes in blood pressure, increased blood flow and hormonal changes. To prevent such episodes, it is advisable to avoid standing for a long time, make slow movements when getting up and ensure good hydration.


It is essential to remember that even though these symptoms are indicative of a possible pregnancy, each woman is unique and may experience them differently. Additionally, some symptoms can be attributed to other medical conditions.

Therefore, if you are experiencing one or more of these pregnancy symptoms it is essential that you seek medical advice. And remember, you are not alone on this wonderful and exciting journey!

Posted and reviewed Marcela Tips on 26/02/24
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